Chapter 5Lesson Summary
People write for a variety reasons. Some of your
learners will need to draft texts for academic or business purposes. Others
will write in English strictly for personal reasons (for example, to e-mail a
friend, write notes to a child's teacher, or complete application forms).
Whatever your learners' needs, you should develop activities that mirror what
your students need to do outside of the classroom so that they are able to
transfer the skills they learn to the real world. The objective (or purpose)
for writing should be expressed early in the lesson.
Writing is perhaps the most challenging part of
learning a new language. In his article How to be an Effective EFL Writing
Teacher, David Martin describes several ways to make writing more
"likable" for our students:
- Teach students to turn off their personal
subconscious editor through freewriting.
- Teach students that writing is more a mode
of learning than a skill (a skill, he says, promotes the feeling
of possible success or failure).
- Give the students enough support and
direction so they can accomplish the task.
- Establish a goal by establishing the purpose
and the audience.
- Have regular writing conferences where
students do most of the talking.
In my view, writing can be a fun and enjoyable
process for both the instructor and students if it is approached positively and
if feedback is constructive and supportive. It is also essential to plan
lessons that will enable students to be successful and to write on their own
outside of the classroom.
It's called writing to the writing exercise with the purpose of transmitting ideas, draft a treaty, document or piece of fiction, drawing notes and musical signs, writing data or any other actions of transposition of letters and symbols on a given surface.
ResponderEliminarAs the Reading said about writing process...I have always thought that when we write is not necessary write true sentences that is the reason why we have freedoom in order to express what we feel or think.
It is a process where we show our feedback in order to be constructive and supportive.
finally the writing is a proces that need evaluate always. for my writting is a hability free and is a good frm to lear a second language but teacher can´t assessment this proces, teacher only need guide sudents.
ResponderEliminarCHAPTER 5
ResponderEliminarLESSON SUMMARY
Something is true: everybody always write for too many reasons and with different purposes; such as e-mails, notes, academic texts etc, in order to express their ideas or feelings.
For this reason is fundamental to help our students in this task doing different activities according their necessities and the most important activities that they can use in the real life, in other words: put what they´ve learned to use, because as the text mentions writing is more a mode of leaning than a skill.
Finally, we have to support and encourage our students in this task as far as possible.
course that students and all the people we feel freer to write themes to our liking and even express ourselves more broadly as the issue is from our domain (in most cases) which facilitates the expression writer . but we must not entrust to and to inquire more about our theme to not settle for a simple written.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, I think is very important to learn the correct way for writting texts; because is something we are always doing and at the same time is something very difficult. Altough, at the end of the day, we has to be able to write any kind of texts correctly and motivated to students to do it as easier as posible for them
As in other readings this one shows us again the importance of the use and development of the writing skill, in fact in the NEPBE we can find several social practices of the language where writing is important specially in the academic and educational environment, it is important that every teacher motivate students towards writing, it doesn't matter if they learn to write short texts or only a few words, the piint here is to amke them feel confident when they write.
ResponderEliminarARI NEIDHART
According with the reading, is not necessary that we have to write true sentences, it is freeway, where you can express your own ideas about something… if we want to write for example an e-mail, a letter, etc., a better aspect is do notes or write key words, they can help you for your writing.
Some of our students have a little vocabulary so as a teacher we have to support that vocabulary, doing different activities according with their necessities because as we saw writing is an activity that we always have to do in our life. So I consider give a feedback first to start a writing obviously according with the correct topic or what you are talking about. Finally we have to motivated to our students to do this easily, it won´t be a boring activity, according with the level they are.
I believe that this reading is very important to take it into account, as day to day the students take to the streets and are with other people who speak english and did not know how to respond, that is why it is now in school in the subject of English should be give content that used outside of the classroom so that they can face new challenges. The task of the teacher is to motivate and give students the tools necessary for who know how to bring out their knowledge outside the classroom. The teacher should encourage a good environment for reading and writing for students.
ResponderEliminarIt is important that the teachers help the students to learn to write because is a difficult process but if you stablish purposes and goals to achieve you will do it at the end.
ResponderEliminarA teacher also has to teach the students the importance of writing.
Jorge Alberto Mejia Suarez
ResponderEliminarMARIBEL DE LA O
I think this is the reality because it is true that learners only write things to need write, but if you show them a technique that does serve, not will be boring for the student to write in a fun way, not just by necessity if not by who like to write and enjoy it.
Is important that learners are motivated to perform a writing and this requires the support of the teacher. And most importantly, the teacher encourages the learner to keep writing and keep learning.
Chapter 5: lesson sumary
ResponderEliminarposted by: yaritza garces santa cruz
I think its impotant as a teachers know the interest of our students, to nurture them write text being motivated...
write its a difficult activity when we learn a second language, thats why I consider we should allow students to produce writting that are suitable to their level and interest...
Personally I liked this text because today I learned that it is very important to know what the writing process to help students make a text correctly
ResponderEliminarI personally think that writing a text correctly is a big challenge for the students and teachers because I think the writing process is difficult but it is more difficult when it is a second language.
Chapter 5
ResponderEliminarEmmanuel guadarrama Nava
Just as students learn to control different oral registers, they must also be ale to write in different ways for different purposes. According to Bereiter and Scardamalia (1987), it is of paramount prominence students to be exposed to and have practice with several ways of writing, nevertheless simply allowing students to write a lot won´t necessarily provide sufficient practice in types of writing valued for an educational learning.
In that score, teacher must design a flexible lesson plan to cater to students all likeable ways for writing. One of the most important approaches is a situational Richards (1990), which mentions writing courses ought to be organized around situational transactions, such as applying for a job, complaining a landlord, writing letters to the newspaper or writing essays to pass a course, all of them focused on learners´ social requirements. This is why, teacher must be concerned of how stimulate students´ thoughts for getting a writing task started, and during the process, teacher may also design to have students enter into a different writing groups as planners, drafters, responders or editors.
In addition, peering this task from a philological view, we must recognize that errors are common in this sort of tasks. So, students and teacher must ponder about how these take part in the process and understand that these are not the same for all students. With this assumption, we can deliver writing task is a complex accomplishment and not only includes a set of steps to design a organization but also includes a wide sense of relation between student and professor in order to lead, together with self confidence, a plausible writing process.
ResponderEliminarSince my point of view, ss are facing with new tasks that are really important and at the same time are kind of difficult; because as the text says: it promotes the feeling of possible succes or failure.
Nowadays writing task can be difficult if ther's no interest for both sides: Teacher and ss. But on the other hand, this process can be interesting, fun and ejoyable, everything depends on the way that the Teacher wants to do and the strategy applied.
I consider speaking task as another important skill that ss have to perform because if they want to interac with other people, to make a communication it is necessary to Speak English.
According to the "Reforma de 1993 de Educación Secundaria" mentioned that ss had to develop the communicative competence, it means ss' capacity to know what to say and how to say something to somebody, it involves gestures and movements of the body, the mistakes are not important, the important thing is that ss inderstand the message.
For the other side the "Reforma 2006 de Educación Secundaria" in English says that the English Teacher must have a good level of English and know the contents of the program also the English classes have to be contextualized.
Now the: "National English Program for Basic Education NEPBE" Says that the purpose of English Language Teaching in Basic Education is for students to get the necessary knowledge to engage in social practices with written and oral language to interact with native and non-native English speakers by means of specific competencies with the language.
Those are some aspects that I also consider really important.
Trainee Teacher: Adolfo Ramirez Garcia
Chapter 5
ResponderEliminarI consider this very interesting reading as it is true that writing is difficult, but it is the teacher's responsibility to make their students take written whether formal or informal and can be fun and that in turn can express their feelings, the teacher should encourage this ability to generate in students safety.
Edna Eli Sánchez s.
In my opinion, I think the writing process should not be so boring if not for the contrary, as mentioned reading summary, for L2 learners this process should be seen as something fun. It is true that it is very complex, in particular is one of the most difficult skills for me. But as this semester recall task was to learn to write with the features already seen before. I think the work was the result and I can say that I no longer turned so hard to organize my thoughts as before and I could rescue some strategies and activities for my lesson plan that from my point of view essential and clear purpose of the course.
I think this is the reality because it is true that learners only write things to need write, but if you show them a technique that does serve, not will be boring for the student to write in a fun way, not just by necessity if not by who like to write and enjoy it.
ResponderEliminarWriting can be a fun and enjoyable process for both the instructor and students if approached positively. It is also essential that we as teachers we plan lessons that enable students to succeed and write on their own outside the classroom.
In my opinion, writing can be a fun and enjoyable process for both the instructor and students if it is approached positively and if feedback is constructive and supportive, but it´s so difficult to show it to the students, but teacher can help himself show the students how to use wrriting skills in a real life situation and this is a hard work.
ResponderEliminarI agree with the author because as a teacher we need to give the students enough support and direction so they can accomplish the task.
In conclusion we will need to do a hard work to develop the writing skills in the students and to do achieve it we need to show the use of writing in the real life.
I think its impotant as a teachers know the interest of our students, to nurture them write text being motivated...
ResponderEliminarwrite its a difficult activity when we learn a second language, thats why I consider we should allow students to produce writting that are suitable to their level and interest. because it is true that learners only write things to need write, but if you show them a technique that does serve, not will be boring for the student to write in a fun way, not just by necessity if not by who like to write and enjoy it.
Marisol Garcia
I agree, that through the writing we can see that items were not clear and to be able to correct or perhaps review topics.
ResponderEliminarTo make a writing is not an easy task, but if an activity, which can be adapted to new strategies to make it fun and easy, it is also a way to familiarize the student with a second language and loses the fear.
nancy korina flores ramirez
Hi teacher
ResponderEliminarSorry miss, but a review that was a comment, I saw that it had been published mine although I had done. I return to upload and thanks
There are different reasons why people write and have to guide these reasons. The need to express their ideas or comply with work is part of our purposes to fulfill in our sessions.
Martin describes the ways to be a teacher efficacy tells us:
• Turn off the free writing
• Writing is a mode of learning more than a skill
• Give enough support and direction
• Establish a goal
Have to make these processes writing an enjoyable part for students to feel comfortable writing it but without neglecting other purposes that are intended to comply with this.
You as a teacher, you must make these are met.
Maria del Rocío Gutierrez Tenorio